A very big thank you to all our DUCT Members.

These individuals have all made a very positive and selfless contribution to the rehabilitation of the Dusi and the uMngeni rivers, as well as to conservation and environmental education in general.

The below list of DUCT members have all contributed to DUCT by donating either money or time towards the DUCT mission, and in doing so are helping us at DUCT to restore river health in the Msundusi and uMngeni valleys – whether it be by spending hours in the rivers removing rubbish and alien invasive species, or making valuable contributions towards education and environmental awareness.

Special mention must be made of Ryan Brudwig of the Department of Environmental Affairs, for his very generous contribution to DUCT by way of herbicide assistance.

Should you wish to become a DUCT member, please contact us on 033 345 7571, or email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

YOU can make a difference!

View all DUCT members for 2015