I, the undersigned, assume all risks and hazards arising out of or related to any programs and volunteer activities (unless otherwise specified) that I choose to undertake at the DUCT. I further acknowledge that the programs take place outdoors (in whole or in part) and involve associated risks and hazards. I confirm that I have no reason due to health or other conditions that would impact on the ability to volunteer or participate in programs and accept as my personal risk the hazards of participating in this program and its corresponding activities. I agree that none of the DUCT, its employees, its appointed assistants, its trustees shall have any liability to me or my heirs with respect to any risks or hazards arising out of or relating to any programs or volunteer activities that choose to undertake. I hereby give permission to DUCT staff to provide routine health care and seek emergency medical treatment including ordering x-rays or routine tests. I understand and agree that every effort will be made to notify my emergency contacts. In the event that they cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician and/or hospital selected by the DUCT staff to hospitalize, secure and administer proper treatment, and order injection, anaesthesia, or surgery for myself. I consent to emergency transportation, if necessary. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify the DUCT from and against any costs or losses associated with any such care or treatment. I agree that if any relevant facts or circumstances change, I will inform the DUCT staff of such changes. I agree that all of the information submitted on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements herein, including any checks of criminal records, and release the Tenafly Nature Centre Association and all others from liability in connection with same. I understand the information on this form will be shared on a "need to know" basis with DUCT staff. I give permission to photocopy this form.
I understand that, if accepted and scheduled, I will be an at-will volunteer unless there is an agreement or law, which alters that status. Furthermore, I understand that any agreement must be in writing and signed by the designated DUCT official. I also understand that misrepresentations or falsifications herein or in other documents completed or submitted by the applicant will result in dismissal, regardless of the date of discovery by the DUCT.